Monday, February 25, 2013

Creative Finds! Fun with Clothes...

Creativity is fun.
Being creative with your clothes is great.
Making something old into something new is even better!
Working with what you have.

Here are a few ideas that I have found that could help you change up your style without buying new clothes.  Some might not work for everyone but I found these pretty fun!

Mr. Kate's DIY Graffiti Shirt!
I personally would  probably use a different shirt than she used but that's my style.
I love the spray paint idea in this video and the texture that comes out of the final outcome!

DesignMom's Well-Mended Wardrobe post!
I found this idea via pinterest and I absolutely love this idea!  I'm sure you all can relate to getting a hole in your favorite jeans...
This is a super creative way of keeping your favorite pair but just changing it up a bit!  Looks pretty easy!

Source: via Emily on Pinterest

Recycled Fashion!
Another idea I ran across. I think it would depend on the doily you use and the shirt/jacket.
It's definitely a possibility, though!

I really love this idea at the bottom of the sleeve the most.
So creative!

Source: via Emily on Pinterest

Brassy Apple's Stenciled Pencil Skirt!
I love this!  Stenciling fabric to make it look like a totally different style!
Click the link; you'll see what I mean!

I hope these ideas inspired you to be creative with clothing items that you may already have!


Good luck!


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