Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Review: Faber-Castell art pen (black!)

Same necklace as featured in 1a: http://iamartsyfartsy.blogspot.com/2011/08/practice-makes-perfect.html

It's time for another review!  Although it's on another pen.  I know, I know.. my last review was on the Pigma Micron Pens, but this pen is the Faber-Castel black artist pen.  I've had this pen for AGES and it is still working great!  This pen has the letter 'S' on it, which I am thinking has something to do with the thickness of the point, please correct me if I am wrong. ( : 
The drawing up top is a sketch I did quickly (ish) with the pen recently of a necklace of mine.  The black is still black and I will repeat that I've had this pen for ages.  I found customer reviews via amazon about this pens, and the majority has said the same thing. 

I totally think this is one of the best artist pens.  I actually forgot about it until I ran across it in my kit this weekend. 

Do you have a favorite pen?

I'm probably going to working in watercolor soon, so that might be my next review.  We shall see!


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