Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Favorite Art Blogs!

There are so many great art blogs on the web that I have enjoyed reading lately.  Today I have decided to share some with everyone.

I'll get right into it:
(in no particular order..)

  • Awkward & Beautiful- http://www.awkwardandbeautiful.com/
    • I absolutely adore this blog!  She is such a talented person and you can get so much inspiration from her!I always get excited when I see a new post by her, whether it be via twitter, or bloglovin'. 
  • Studio Sweet Studio- http://studio-sweet-studio.com/
    • This is a new blog that I recently started reading.  With each blog post, I yearn to have my own studio space instead of a few random places in the house.  They feature different artists, which is wonderful!  I love finding new and upcoming artists. 
  • Travel Write Draw- http://travelwritedraw.blogspot.com/
    • Love, love LOVE this  young woman's illustrations!  She's only been blogging for a year, but I have a feeling it's ONLY the beginning. 
There you go!  Three of my favorite art blogs.  I have quite a few others, which I will list next time. :) Check out these three for now.


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