Saturday, July 9, 2011

Make Art, Not War

I'm not sure who started this lovely phrase, but it's one of my favorites, of course.  A play on words from the "Make Love, Not War" it tells people that it is best to create some kind of art than to fight.  Which leads me to why Arts in schools is important.  (Do not allow arts in your schools to be cut!!)  Any type of art allows kids another way to show what they mean and express themselves.

To see the piece click the jump below!

See?  I went off on a tangent.  Dang tangents.  Anywho, my latest painting this week I used the same technique as my last (see: SMILE).  I added a bit of splatter painting to the "not war" section because without it, it just looked plain.

As always, click the image to see it in a larger format.  
Feel free to zoom in, too. 

For the splatter paint part (on the black portion), this was actually a first time using this technique for me. Was fun, but here is a tip: If you hold your paint brush toward the end (where the brisels are), between your thumb and pointer finger and tap your finger (of other hand, naturally) on the top of the silver part above the brisels.  This should help splatter the paint in a spot where you would prefer, rather than randomly.  Does this make sense?  If it doesn't, let me know!!
 I don't mind showing what I mean in a separate blog post.
I realized as I was finishing up this painting that I never said in this blog that I work in acrylic paints for the most part.  I really never work in oils, or watercolor.  Though, I have worked in watercolor in the past and I have thought about doing work in that media more.  There is just something about acrylics that I prefer.  

Does anyone know of any other ways of interpreting "Make Art, Not War"?  If so, I'd love to check some out.  Leave your thoughtsdown below and thank you so much for reading! 

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