Sunday, April 10, 2011

Project 7, Daisy Inspired design

Daisies are a very pretty flower, even though it's quite simple at first glance.  For this next project, I wanted to digitally create a picture using daisies.  There isn't much to it, just daisies.  Repeated over and over.  I hope you find it interesting, though.

It might be best if you click the image to view in full view.  
First thing I did was hand sketch a daisy out in my sketch book to get the feel about how a daisy looks.  Afterward, I was able to draw the daisy using the pen tool in Illustrator on the computer.  The rest is pretty mush self-explanatory.   I was thinking about getting rid of the actual word daisy. However, I felt you couldn't really read what it said.  It just looked like a smooosh of daisy clutter.  That's right, a smooosh.

Have any ideas of how I could have changed it around?
Would you have done anything differently?

There wasn't really much of a point to this piece.  Just fun.

If you like daisies, or art feel free to follow this blog over there, somewhere to the right.  --->
Thank you to those of you who have already. ( :

(p.s. my first favorite flower is a pink rose, just fyi.)

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