Friday, December 14, 2012

Goals to end the year with...

Hello everyone!

So how are those goals of yours coming along?
Yeah, I know.. It can get overwhelming trying to make them come true.  So I have decided that since there really aren't too many more weeks left in this year... Let's make a list--not a big list-- of small goals that we want to fulfill before the year is up.  Just to give us practice and motivation for our BIG goals for 2013.

Here is my list, for example.

  • Finish atleast ONE painting before the end of the year. 
  • Don't over think things so much.
  • Organize shoes. 

Even if it's just one small goal, write it down.  A couple of these goals in my list are things that I've wanted to do for awhile.   
It's time to get back into gear.  Write down your goals and put them some place where you know you will see it.

This will give you practice to starting 2013 out FRESH. 

Good Luck! :)


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